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Simple Way to Grow Your Eyebrows Back

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I posted earlier about celebrities and their super bold brows so I figure I should blog about just how to achieve such; for anyone struggling with thinning eyebrows or just looking to grow them thicker.

 I stopped getting my brows plucked/threaded so thin this past year (January 2016). I decided to grow it out & just let it do its thing. Let me tell y’all since I stopped getting them plucked, I’ve been saving money! I’m talking 10$-12 $ every 4 weeks type. (That might not be a lot to some but that’s 3 piece combo with a drink at popeyes!)


A true masterpiece

Mhmmm look at that beauty, yummmmm!

Okay so to help my brows along I started a regimen. Because while my brows are uber wide & thick, its also scattered at the ends so that tends to thin out and that’s where the help is needed for me. My regimen is real simple; applying Jamaican Caster Oil on my eyebrows nightly. I researched & found that not only does castor oil help grow the hair on your head but it is also applicable on other areas of your body; eyebrows being one of them. Below are the steps I’ve practiced for the past two months or so.

Black Castor Oil

4 Simple Steps For Healthier Eyebrows

  1. Wash your face wit soap

  2. Towel dry enough to where your brows aren’t all the way dry but aren’t drenched either

  3. Then put a drop/or two of castor oil on you index finger + gently rub onto desired area of growth on your eyebrows

  4. In addition if you don’t sleep on satin sheets, then pull your bonnet/scarf to cover your eyebrows too. Because you may not realize this, but the cotton material (any other material not silk/satin) that your bed sheets and pillow cases are made of could potentially be causing your brows to thin out; similar to what cotton hats do to your hair (strips moisture, leaving it brittle dry + more susceptible to breakage) in this case it’ll make your eyebrows hard for it to grow.

Again, I naturally have thick brows, so I generally apply the castor oil at night before going to sleep. However, you can apply morning & night; whatever suits you. Like myself, you should start to notice growth within a week or two. You have to be patient because your eyebrows are going to go through that enviable awkward phase where it just looks weird because of the hair stubble growing out in that would’ve otherwise been waxed/threaded off. So just relax & keep on keeping on. You’ll eventually notice thicker fuller brows in no time. Take pics, Take a lot! I can’t stress that enough so you can actually see the difference + the growth. I would say take a pic of your brows weekly. Keep in mind that everyone’s brows grow at different speeds so be patient. I’m at month 4/5 (I think). 

Below are my brow transformation. The 2nd & 3rd pictures are 2/3 months apart I think. I apologize ahead of time as my pictures were taken at the most random time possible, because well… I’m a very random person.

FullSizeRender (4)

Why God? Just why hahaha, sometime between 2011 – 2014 when I got my brows threaded I believe


January 2016; last time I got my brows waxed. I just woke up here so excuse my crazy eyes ahhahaha


March 2016

I see a major difference esp in such a short amount of time of 2 months! Now I have to be honest, I haven’t been as dedicated to this regimen after the month of march so I gotta get back!

What do you guys think? Are you gonna try this? Have you tried something similar & had awesome results on your eyebrows? Comment below!

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