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Your Bonnet Could Be Costing You Your Edges?!?!

Skatsz Hats

Happy Friday ! Yayyyy! 

I had an epiphany & I figured hey, since I’m just now putting two & two together, others out there may not know either! Okay, so If you’re noticing your edges thinning out or breaking and you cant seem to put your finger on it because:

A) You’re not getting tight hairstyles done or putting so much tension on your edges.

B) You oil/moisturize your edges accordingly.

Well, it may just be the last thing you’d suspect, which is;

C). You’re wearing bonnets with the elastic band around it:

Silk Bonnet

Example bonnet found online 


my old bonnet

The elastic ends around your bonnet could very well be the culprit for your thinning edges. GASP! I know, but think about it, while you’re doing a good job wearing a satin/silk bonnet, your edges are suffering due to the tension that’s caused from the elastic part of the bonnet rubbing against it. I used to wear the purple bonnet (pictured above) but for some reason I could never find it (maybe it was my edges subliminally making me misplace it?) Funny thing is, I found it just in time to take a pic for this post & I promise you I have no idea where it is now hahahah! I’m not kidding!

Viable alternatives to your demon-edges-snatching-bonnet:

1.Satin scarf like this:


I wear this animal print scarf to sleep when I’m feeling sexy hahahahahh

You can buy/find this literally anywhere in life; WeBuyBlack Beauty Supply Store, Amazon, first check your mom’s Closet! Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever in my whole life purchased a scarf, specially the ones I wear wrap my hair to sleep in. They just sort of appear in my closet (most likely from my Scarf Ferry aka my mom or sisters hahah) Interesting… an epiphany within an epiphany!

Since each beanie has satin lining on the inside I tend to use it as a bonnet too; they’re pretty stretchy, so I throw it on my head & its nighty night for me! Bonus: I get to wear them outside without looking dumb like I would if I was wearing a bonnet. You can purchase these satin lined beanies & other colors at

 Have you ever had this bonnet issue? Let me know if you have other alternatives. Comment below xx

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